Friday, August 21, 2009

Country i would like to visit

I like to visit Veneci. This city to belong a the Itali country. In a northerm.
The call name the city of the rivers, beacuse the great majority its strett to be rivers, and the people must to go in the small boat called “góndolas”.
I dream to can visit this city, i think that the people es veri friendly whit the person of the other country. As well as is diferent, any city have this caracteres. I like so much!
I don´t know the history of the begginer the city, but one the objective that i like to achieve in the my arrived on the Venecia is know its history.

I know that Veneci is famous for the art that is patrimony of the Italy art`s. Its wonderful the architectur, its street’s. In this city its make a lot painter, architectur and the other artits. The curious is that they artist don’t born in the city, but they traveling attracted for the magic on the city. And a lot to say that they the children of the city.

I like to visit this city for t olive there, minimun two years. For to absor all the coustum of the cultura. I like to work as the teacher in the school. I think that its experence to owe very important and wonderfull, that never to forget this.