Tuesday, November 17, 2009

....The year more stressful of my life...

I admit that this year, that which is already done, has been the more stressful of all my university carrer, because i be finish whit all matter that are requirement for get my license of professional teacher.

This year has been complicated because i had more matter and everyone are demanding... and i have my seminary of degree, that is how one small thesis or how one the big homework!!...And this have concerned... And worst of all is that the matter must dificult are this year.

In fact, whit my friend, thah she ir my companion in the seminary, have not sleeping, not eaten nothing!!! And we have not gone to parties, how before...All we time is for the construction our seminary of degree.

But, in genenal, has been a nice process the my academy formation. I have learned to muchs, and i have to love ny carrer. I think that is necesary for finding the exist in the whatever you want!

Another point that this year has been complicated is the time, because is very little!! In fact i find it very fast the day... I like that the days had thirty four hours!! I have the persons more happy in the worl! Because in the day the thing i fail to do so by the time, and the night are those that have had to sacrifice with my study.

Anyway are different processes that i have lived in this year, and how all human, affects me, and i difficult for me have separate of my university and academic life. For example, this year come back to live whit my mom and dad, aftter a few months i went to live alone, but now i come back again whit my mam and dad. All in this year and together whit the test of matter university.

In general, the life university is not easy, are so much the responsabilitis that you have to take, so i am happy whit that this year finish and end whit the learn process in the university.

Almong all, this year has been complet in many thing , i have learned so much! I think that i have marked this year has been my experience in the Jail, doing class a the chidren that live there together whit their mom that are convicted. This experence has been a gift for me! I love work whit this person.

Anyway, i think that the most stressful is because i have fear went university and grow up!