Friday, October 30, 2009

The transantiago!

Transantiago is the name given to the new public system serving Santiago, the Capital of Chile. The system is divided into two bus lines; main lines, which allow trips between different city zones, and local lines, which allow short trips within a certain zone.

This new system has been problematic, and the major complaints are the big changes in the public transport and the hard time people have had trying to get used to it.

One of the biggest changes has been the slow bus-to-bus transfers we have to make when we want to go from one place to another. This has meant a decrease in our work and social life.

Another significant change having an impact on us is the lack of network coverage and the daily overcrowded buses at rush hours, which have transformed trips into something annoying and unpleasant.

As Transantiago, the former public transport system was also problematic. The buses were too small and people would be stolen their belongings. In fact, I was stolen my cell phone and that has been one of my worst experiences. Moreover, the bus operators wouldn’t drive carefully. The Transantiago system has improved this situation, but it’ still somehow inefficient.

Personally speaking, I would make some changes in this new system in order to make it a bit better by going to different municipalities and talking to the representative groups of hard-working people so that they can tell me their transport-related needs. And secondly, I would get rid of private enterprises running the public transport with the only purpose of enriching themselves.

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